About the Swedish Institute for Children's Books
Welcome to the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books (Sbi). We serve as a hub for research and discussion on children’s and young adult literature. Founded in 1965, we strive to strengthen the status of children’s books and to increase the competence of all who work within the field.

We do so by initiating research projects, arranging conferences, workshops, seminars, and other events. We also publish articles and reviews as well as a monograph series, and communicate research through newsletters and social media.
We actively participate in the ongoing conversation about children’s and young adult literature by holding lectures, engaging in discussions and debates, visiting politicians and authorities, and sharing our knowledge in the media. We also collaborate with other actors in the field, both nationally and internationally.
In our research library, researchers, students, and others can take part of our large collection of children’s books and theoretical literature within the field. Our collections also include several special collections and other archive material. What makes the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books unique is the research environment we offer, our extensive knowledge, and the access to a wide range of literature.
Additional Information
Corporate identity number: 802007-5852
Bank Giro: 5956-8485
IBAN: SE32 6000 0000 0004 9319 1518
Board of Directors
The chairman of the board is appointed by the Swedish government. The rest of the board consists of representatives from the founding organisations.
Föreningen Svenska Tecknare (the Association of Swedish Illustrators and Graphic Designers)
Stockholm University
Sveriges Författarförbund (the Swedish Writers’ Union)
Svenska Förläggareföreningen (the Swedish Publishers’ Association)
The institute is funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Research and, among others, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, the Swedish Research Council, Region Stockholm, Lärarstiftelsen, and the Swedish Arts Council.
Contact information
- info@barnboksinstitutet.se
- +468-54 54 20 50
- The Swedish Institute for Children’s Books Odengatan 61 113 22 Stockholm, Sweden