The Book Tasting
One of the institute’s biggest events is the annual Book Tasting, where we give an overview of the children’s and young adult books published in Sweden during the previous year. The Book Tasting consists of open lectures, a written report, and an exhibition. Everyone is welcome to attend the lectures and the exhibition, and the report is available to download on our website.

About the Book Tasting
In the Book Tasting, the previous year’s releases of children’s and young adult books are presented through statistics and analyses. The Book Tasting has been conducted annually since the mid-1990s. This ensures a substantial comparative material over time, providing a unique and comprehensive overview of children’s and young adult book publishing in Sweden, making it the most detailed book publishing statistics in the country.
The Book Tasting is dependent on publishers donating their books to the institute. The children’s and young adult books which were published during the previous year – and which were received by the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books by the end of February – form the foundation of the Book Tasting. No assessment of the individual books’ quality is made in the Book Tasting. Instead, the aim is to consider the entire publication and its diversity. The institute maintains an objective stance towards the literature and does not provide book recommendations.
The Swedish Institute for Children’s Books is an independent nonprofit foundation. Bokprovning (book tasting) is a trademark registered by the institute and may not be used for commercial purposes.
The Book Tasting is made possible with support from Region Stockholm.